Aromatherapy and Seven Chakras-(7 Chakras)
Are Aromatherapy and Seven-7 Chakras Interrelated?
Aromatherapy is the practice of using volatile plant oils, including essential oils, for. Aromatherapy is a term coined to describe the practice of using essential oils taken from plants, flowers, roots, seeds, etc., in healing for psychological and physical well being. The main attraction in aromatherapy is the healing power of essential oils. Chakras are Entry Gates of the Aura. Within the physical body resides a body double, a spiritual body that contains the Chakras. They are centers of activity that receives, assimilates and expresses life force energy. They absorb and transmit energies to and from the universe, nature, and celestial entities, from people even from things. They are responsible for the person's physical, mental, and spiritual functions. There are 7 major chakras or energy points located within our physical bodies. It is necessary to balance them in order to maintain health. The best way to relieve stresses, balance chakras and bring your body back into balance is through natural therapies such as Aromatherapy. Thus aromatherapy and chakras are interrelated. Here we are going to discuss aromatherapy essential oils and their use in balancing the 7 chakras.
Aromatherapy and Root or Base Chakra
This is the first chakra that roots the subtle divine consciousness in the material life. This chakra is the basis for human existence in the physical world. This chakra also reflects a person's connection with their mother, and with Mother Earth. Symptoms or tensions in the parts of the body controlled by this chakra indicate tensions in the parts of the person's consciousness related to this chakra. Tension here is experienced as insecurity, fear, terror, or a threat to survival. Now we will see the use of aromatherapy in this chakra. Mentioned below are some essential oils and their uses.
Black Pepper - It is used for proper blood circulation, aching muscles, low blood pressure and lethargy. It can cause irritation to sensitive skin so do not use undiluted in baths.
Rosemary - Due to its analgesic and antidepressant properties it eases acid in the joints It is not recommended during pregnancy or by those with epilepsy.
Cedarwood - It is antiseptic, good tonic and aids regeneration. Other essential oils like Vetiver, Angelica, Ginger, Frankincense and Lavender also help.
Aromatherapy and Sacral Chakra
This is the second chakra and focuses on the aligning of the mental, emotional and physical levels with desires or pleasures. It is associated, in the body with the genitals, reproductive organs and bladder with the element water. There is an element of giving rather than taking. When this chakra is clean the person only thinks positive thoughts, thus no impure thoughts or feelings can penetrate. The purity that is reflected in ones attitudes means living in accordance with the truth of life and manifesting one's own reality without complaining. Use of aromatherapy (Essential oils) in sacral chakra:
Clary Sage - It is anti-infectious tonic which helps in menstrual problems
Cardamom - Due to its antiseptic and stimulant properties it eases abdominal pain by relieving flatulence
Neroli - It is antidepressant and a good tonic.
Ylang Ylang - It has antidepressant, aphrodisiac, calmingproperties. It aids confidence.
Other than these oils like Jasmine, Patchouli, Tangerine, Bergamot, Vanilla, Sandalwood, Nutmeg, Oakmoss, Cedarwood and Rosewood also help. Choose the essential oil, which will help balance, the male/female energies and draw out the creative essence.
Aromatherapy and Solar Plexus Chakra
This is the third chakra, which is your emotional power center where you take control and authority of one's self, emotions and helps project love and light into the world. It transmutes the energy of the emotions into soulful passion for life i.e. fear into love, anger into action, sadness into surrender and bliss activating our soul. It is associated, in the body with the stomach, with the elements fire and water. All is positive when one is pure and at peace with others. All conflicts are stopped and transformed thus facilitating learning instead of fighting. Love is expressed, If one stands humbly to solve the conflict. A resolution will eventually find itself thus the chakra of both parties remain balanced.Use of aromatherapy (Essential oils) in solar plexus chakra:
Basil - It is good for nervous system, for pre-exams stress, intestinal antiseptic and digestion. It can cause irritation to sensitive skin and should be strictly avoided during pregnancy.
Bergamot - It has antidepressant and calming properties and is good for stomach.
Vetiver - It helps to assist in anchoring the awareness in your body.
Other Essential oils like Carnation, Gold Chamomile, Fennel, Juniper, Lavender, Sandalwood, Ginger and Lemon are also useful. Choose the essential oils, which will help to strengthen and keep this center protected.
Aromatherapy and Heart Chakra
It is the fourth chakra, which is situated in the center of the body and is an anchor for all life force energy. This chakra contains the seed for the ability to feel divine and pure love for everyone and everything. It opens our hearts to the nonjudgmental, detached vibration of universal love. It is associated, in the body with the heart, hands, arms and thymus gland, with the element air. Love makes this the most important of all the chakras.Use of aromatherapy (Essential oils) in Heart chakra:
Eucalyptus - It is an expectorant, anti-infectious and a good tonic.
Rose - It has a calming effect, which helps in calming the nerves, headaches and shock.
Cedarwood - It is antiseptic, good tonic and aids regeneration.
Frankincense - It is antidepressant, antiseptic, calming and a tonic, which helps to handle emotional problems.
Marjoram, Orange, Rose Otto, Yarrow, Lavender, Sandalwood and Bergamot are also useful in balancing this chakra. Choose the essential oil, which will help keep the heart area open and receptive to receiving and giving love.
Aromatherapy and Throat Chakra
This fifth chakra deals with the power of the spoken word. Its name means pure. It helps to express our truth fearlessly and hear the sound of the universe. When this chakra is clean one feels completely peaceful. When two people mix energies from their throat chakra they will talk together actively and intensely. It is associated, in the body with the throat, ears, thyroid, and parathyroid, with the element ether. Use of aromatherapy (Essential oils) in Throat chakra:
Chamomile - It is soothing, calming, anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious.
Linden Blossom - It has calming and anti-spasmodic properties.
Myrrh - Due to its astringent and anti-spasmodic properties it heals sores and wounds with external application.
Choose the essential oil, which will help open communication skills and release stuffed unexpressed emotions that may be trapped. Other essential oils like Benzoin, Bergamot, Blue Chamomile, Frankincense, Hyssop, Lavender, and Lemon also help.
Aromatherapy and Third Eye or Brow Chakra
The sixth chakra is the center of clairvoyance, visions, transcendence of time and space and integrates all the gifts of wisdom from the Spirit to bridge you with the Divine. It helps to focus the mind, where one-pointed clarity and peace automatically occur. It helps to move from dualistic mind to intuitive neutral mind. It is associated, in the body with the pituitary gland, eyes, and brain, with the element light and also beyond the elements. Third eye problems are mutually intensified if the chakras are unclean, especially in a marriage or other relationship. The one with the cleanest chakra intuitively feels betrayed and left out. Use of aromatherapy (Essential oils) in Third eye chakra:
Angelica Seed - It is a general tonic, which encourages inspiration and inner focus. It should be avoided during pregnancy.
Lavender - It is calming, cleansing, antiseptic and anti-infectious restorative.
Hyacinth -It is hypnotic, sedative and is used for aroma-psychology. It is very strong so only a small amount should be used in blends.
Other essential oils, which are helpful, are Camphor, Eucalyptus, Jasmine, Lemon, Rosemary, Frankincense, Chamomile Blue, Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Cedarwood and Cypress. Choose the essential oil, which will help to open, activate and balance both the right and left hemispheres of the brain, stimulating intuitive thinking and releases rigid, judgmental thoughts.
Aromatherapy and Crown Chakra
This seventh chakra is a blending of the power and will of the God and the love and compassion of the God, which creates balance and harmony for our spirit and allows wisdom to flow into the soul. The crown chakra accumulates all the energies and emotions from the lower chakra points and transmutes them by fire. It helps to tune into and surrender to divine consciousness. It is associated, in the body with the pineal gland & cerebral cortex, with consciousness and the quality of luminosity. When clean, one knows and understands everything. Nothing is obscure concerning life. When two people mix the energies, the crown chakras and the throat chakras are often involved. Use of aromatherapy (Essential oils) in Crown chakra:
Frankincense - It helps to handle emotional problems, as it is calming, antidepressant, antiseptic and a tonic.
Myrrh - It helps to heal sores and wounds with external application, as it is astringent and anti-spasmodic.
Viola - It is soporific and analgesic.
Other essential oils like Sandalwood, Lavender and Spikenard also help in balancing this chakra.
The Best Essential Oils For Your Chakras
The body consists of seven chakras or energy channels that affect the function of the respective organs that belong within that chakra. There are different types of essential oils best suited when treating or promoting function in the individual chakras to ensure that you can enjoy the most benefit from using these healing oils.
To learn more about choosing the best oils for your chakras, read further below.
Root Chakra
The root chakra represents the foundation of all chakras. It represents your stability, which is why keeping your root chakra open is very important such that you can create a connection between your physical and mental body. When it is closed, it could lead to fear and paranoia, while affecting your blood pressure and circulatory system.
The best essential oils for opening your root chakra include peppermint, cedarwood, carrot, clove, patchouli, ginger, benzoin, vetiver, frankincense, myrrh, cardamom, oakmoss, laurel, and sandalwood essential oils.
Sacral Chakra
Your sacral chakra consist of your individual personality, which is important in terms of building trust, creating intimacy, and maintaining balance between your desires and pleasures. When your sacral chakra is open, it is easier for you to develop healthy attachments but if it is closed, you feel more withdrawn and develop fear due to feelings of insecurity and constant suspicion. As an effect, you have lower sexual drive.
The best essential oils for your sacral chakra are ylang ylang, petitgrain, myrrh, coriander, rose, geranium, clary sage, jasmine, cinnamon, tangerine, pine cypress, oak moss, rose geranium, and patchouli essential oils.
Navel Chakra
Your navel power represents the center of your power, will, and metabolism. It is important to produce positive vibrations in your navel chakra because it affects your self-confidence. On the other hand, the stronger the energy is in your navel chakra, the better able it is to protect itself against negative energies. When your energy in the navel chakra is low, you become passive, indecisive, and apathetic. On the physical aspect, you become vulnerable to constipation, indigestion and other related illnesses.
The best essential oils for the navel chakra are lemon, ginger, carrot, juniper, melissa, rosemary, oregano, vetiver, peppermint, citronella, spikenard, ylang ylang, lemongrass, cade, cedarwood, marjoram, vetiver, cinnamon bark, cardamom, and valerian.
Heart Chakra
Obviously, the heart chakra represents love and is responsible for developing feelings of empathy, sympathy, and sensitivity to others' feelings. If you can take advantage of this chakra, it could possibly unite oppositions while merging both mind and body. On the physical aspect of your heart chakra, using the right essential oils could prevent certain diseases such as high blood pressure and other cardiovascular conditions.
The best essential oils for your heart chakra includes melissa, frankincense, bergamot, carrot, lavender, oregano, black pepper, marjoram, sandalwood, tansy, hyssop, laurel, spikenard, camphor, and cinnamon bark essential oils.
Throat Chakra
This chakra represents your ability to communicate. Hence, this is your means of manifesting your desires or expressing yourself, through art and communication. When your throat chakra is open, it facilitates in the process of efficient communication. On the other hand, when it is closed, you have difficulty expressing your true self. You could also be at risk for thyroid problems, inflammations, chronic throat ailments, among others.
The best essential oils for your throat chakra are Roman and German chamomile, catnip, cypress, spruce, carrot seed, lavender, spearmint, frankincense, and geranium essential oils.
Third Eye Chakra
This chakra enables you to see, visually and intuitively. Aside from the physical act of seeing, it offers you with clairvoyance abilities for deeper insight into things that you cannot physically see. It also represents your ability to make visions and dreams. If this chakra is not working efficiently or is not open, you could develop a depress thyroid, respiratory problems, and other such conditions.
The best essential oils for your third eye chakra are cedar, spruce, terebinth, rosemary, oregano, thyme, linden, everlast, and clary sage essential oils.
Crown Chakra
This is the utmost form of chakra in the body, such that it bridges the connection between you and the outside world. By keeping your crown chakra open, you become open to others and can gain a deeper level of wisdom. You are also better able to establish spiritual connection through your crown chakra. Physically, any problems in your crown chakra are manifested through cramping, and bladder problems.
The best essential oils for your crown chakra includes cistus, myrrh, angelica, lavender, rose, basil, rosemary, and ravensara essential oils.
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